Inspirational Speaking

So You Were Handed Business Cards

and Told To "Go Sell!"

sales coaching

With Superpower Strategies, our clients have access to an inspirational sales speaker who can deliver unforgettable experiences. With over 37 years of sales experience, Beth McClary-Wolford is a seasoned professional who will leave
attendees inspired, re-energized, and eager to put their new learnings into action.
Beth is not just another sales speaker. Her on-stage charisma shines as she captivates the audience with exceptional storytelling, effortlessly articulating complex strategies, concepts, and techniques, all with a touch of humor.

With your Superpower Strategies Performance, we will create an environment where you feel self-motivated to grow, excel, and take greater responsibility for what you do.

Clients and audience members praise Beth’s authenticity, as everything she shares is rooted in real-life sales and management scenarios, making the “learning” elements of her keynotes simple to understand and easy to implement.

With our assistance and sales coaching, we will help you develop and implement a process for long-term performance improvement and success.

Invite Beth McClary-Wolford to your sales meeting or conference and experience a game-changing event that will elevate your success.

Success is the Sum of Small Efforts, Repeated Day In and Day Out

- Robert Collier